Rely less on referrals and become more effective in getting clients

We use a proven growth system that combines offers, strategies, and funnels with content, outreach, and personal branding to help B2B founders get clients and increase revenue.

We were involved in driving hundreds of thousands of dollars for B2B companies across the world

Your current situation and the challenges

You get clients from referrals and maybe some activities like content or cold outreach, but the growth is slow

Referrals are not a predictable source of clients

Referrals are not a predictable source of clients

Cold outreach or some content activities bring sporadic results

Cold outreach or some content activities bring sporadic results

Growth seems to be slow and you’re probably on a plateau

Growth seems to be slow and you’re probably on a plateau

The outcome of our solution and the steps

We get you clients, help to increase revenue, and drive sustainable growth through a proprietary growth framework

1. We audit your business and interview you and your team to understand the business context

We’ll do 1-2 calls and in a maximum of 1 week we’ll get to know everything we need about your business.

2. We define customer profiles and segment the market for maximum efficiency

We’ll look at the challenges, problems, and needs your potential clients have and segment the market accordingly.

3. We analyze your direct and indirect competitors to see how you can stand out

We’ll analyze your competitors to identify weaknesses and opportunities to make your business stand out.

4. We make sure you have the right offers and your value proposition highlights your unfair advantage

We’ll adapt or create your offers (if needed) and compile them into a value proposition and messages that make potential clients feel like the next logical step is to reach out.

5. We build the growth models you will use to create, capture, and convert demand

We’ll map your buyer journey and then create the growth models to create, capture, and convert demand.

6. We create the infrastructure needed to start implementing the Growth System

We’ll build your entire infrastructure (tech stack, resources, and people) to make the implementation of the Growth System seamless.

Flexible pricing based on your needs

We build your Growth System in just 6 weeks

The 3GM Growth System

We build your Growth System using our proprietary framework in just 6 weeks. Pay weekly without contract obligations.

Slots available in Q3: 4 out of 6.


10% off for upfront payments.

We help with execution in whatever way you need

Growth Consultancy

You’ll work with Sergiu as a growth consultant to help you implement the Growth System.


No contract obligations. Cancel anytime.

Fractional Head of Growth

Onboard Sergiu as a fractional head of growth to oversee implementation and accelerate growth.


No contract obligations. Cancel anytime.

Growth squad

Hire a growth squad with Sergiu as a fractional head of growth to implement your Growth System.

€1,499 – €2,999/month*

No contract obligations. Cancel anytime. (info)*

We teach you or your team proven strategies and tactics

Founder-Led Growth Model

4-weeks sprint for founders looking to build a personal brand capable of getting customers.


No contract obligations. Cancel anytime.

Content Umbrella Growth Model

4-weeks sprint on how to build a content strategy that creates, captures, and converts demand.


No contract obligations. Cancel anytime.

Strategic Outbound Growth Model

4-weeks sprint on how to create and execute an outreach strategy to attract and convert leads.


No contract obligations. Cancel anytime.

Stories and testimonials from clients

Utopia Pitch

“Sergiu gave us clarity on what we have to do and on what to focus on in the future.

He saved us costs on content creation and helped with building several assets that made us money, but we never thought about them.”


CFO Lead Solutions

“Someone reached out today, we had a call, and closed the deal.

We start the year with $57,500 leads in the pipeline.”


IT Fandango

Our collaboration with IT Fandango is a long-term one, which started in 2022 when we first did a Founder-Led Growth workshop and provided consultancy for social selling.

We loved working with Marco (the founder) and we provided hands-on consultancy regularly, being a client of ours until today.

Create Cadence

After a successful workshop hosted for a client from the UK, we got referred and introduced to Create Cadence for hosting the same workshop and helping them solve a similar issue.

In just a couple of hours we managed to help the team involved understand how the Founder-Led Growth Model can get them clients and how to build a strategy that brings results.

Skillcord Ireland

“I highly recommend Sergiu for any early-stage startups to use his services.”



“Sergiu helped me gain the clarity I needed in order to grow my online business in a healthy manner.

He is organized, professional and always keen to provide real-life solutions, not guru miracles.”



CodeSwiftr is a software development company we started working within 2023, helping them fix a wide range of issues they were facing.

We started by building The 3GM Growth System for them and then we moved to redesigning the website to highlight the new strategy.

We were also involved in crafting the content strategy, launching a digital book, the founder’s newsletter, and the social selling strategy.

Prakti Studio

We started our collaboration with Prakti Studio in 2023, when at first we did a couple of workshops and provided consultancy on growth-related themes.

At the end of the year, we built The 3GM Growth System for Prakti, including customer profiles & segmentation, competitive analysis, offerings & value proposition, etc.

Our work contributed to helping Prakti reach an all-time high in monthly revenue in Q2 of 2024.

Inspired Life

We got referred by one of our previous clients to Tony, the founder of Inspired Life, to help him get clarity on what the company should doing and what are the best strategies for customer acquisition.

With a 4-week sprint we helped Tony get the much-needed clarity, position the business accordingly, and improve the website to match the new positioning.

Alternatives to our Growth System

Work with an agency or a freelancer

Cost: €8,500+

Implementation costs: €5,000 – €8,000/month.

Work with Demand Hive

Cost: €299 x 6 weeks

Implementation costs: < €3,000/month.

Frequently asked questions

Why is the Growth System so cheap?

We developed our process over the years and we’re able to move very fast (without compromising quality).

Also, we productized it in this form recently and we’ve implemented demand-based pricing (the price will slowly increase project after project).

Do you really created this framework?

Yes! I (Sergiu) built my first online business 14 years ago, worked with several companies on their marketing, launched several startups and that’s how I learned everything to build it.

Who will build the Growth System?

The 3GM Growth System will be built entirely by me (Sergiu) and there will not be anything outsourced (not even research activities).

Can you start working immediately?

If we have slots available (we only build 6 Growth System each quarter) we can have the kick-off call and start working in 2-3 working days.

How much time do I need to invest?

During the 6 weeks when we build your Growth System we’ll have 3-5 calls (1 hour each).

You’ll also need to allocate 1-2 hours to provide feedback on some things.

Do you have a team or work with freelancers?

All the strategic tasks are done by myself. Some of the operational ones (like setting up the email marketing tool for example) too.

Depending on the task, we may onboard a freelancer or an agency to work on the project too (you’ll be noticed if that’s the case).

All the external contractors are either part of The Network (our private community of agencies and freelancers) or strategic partners we trust.

How fast will I see some results?

Don’t expect from us false promises like “5 clients in 30 days”.  Yet, on average our clients start to get initial results in 60-90 days after the Growth System was built.

For the best results the Growth System should be executed for 6+ months.

Is there a refund policy?

We don’t have a refund policy because you’ll get from us several materials and resources “we can’t get back”.

That’s why the pricing model for The Growth System is on a weekly basis: if for any reason you think it’s not a good fit for you, you don’t have to proceed further and pay thousands of euros.

Can you help me with other things (eg: websites)?

We don’t provide other services than the ones listed on the website, but we have some exceptional strategic partners we trust who can help you.

Examples of services our partners provide: social media, paid ads, presentations, sales decks, etc.

So if you have any specific need, just let us know and we’ll help you solve the problem.

I’m not sure I need this, can I book a call first?

Sure thing!

We don’t work with anyone until they are 100% sure is the right fit for them.

So if you want to meet each other and talk more about your business, feel free to book a call with Sergiu — no obligations to commit further.

Our content hub: The Hive



Backed by experience, non-ChatGPT articles about growth, marketing strategies, and client acquisition.



Short pieces of content, easy to digest and read in less than 2 minutes, that challenge the way you’re seeing and doing growth.



Comprehensive, tactical guides, on several growth-related themes to help you and your company solve specific problems.



Workshops, webinars, and live events to give you the possibility to dive deeper into topics about growth, marketing, and sales.


A bit about Sergiu & Demand Hive

Sergiu Bungardean, founder of Demand Hive

A letter from the founder:

We don’t provide advice and hope for something to happen. We don’t throw tactics to bill hours. We help you get clients, increase revenue, and drive sustainable growth through a proprietary growth system.

We are able to do it because I faced and solved almost every problem possible before. And because we partner only with the best on-demand executors we have in The Network.

This is the real and authentic story of how we do the work and our operating model. And this is exactly why every company needs it.

The first brick of what Demand Hive is today was put 14 years ago, when I launched my first online business at the age of 13. It was the spark of a wild, wonderful journey.

I got advantage of my teenage life to build businesses, learn marketing, and have fun while doing it. This helped me to land a job at one of the biggest internet companies from Romania after I finished high school.

For 3 years I crafted content campaigns, generated demand, and played an important role in the marketing department. Even if I reached a senior position, the “Once a founder, always a founder” was there.

I quit my job and did what I always knew how to do: grow online businesses. I built startups like Afluent, Planified (both sold in 2019 and 2020), or Stride (finalist at Commons Accel Startup Accelerator in 2020).

But this time, I wasn’t only growing my businesses. I was helping others too, and this felt strange, interesting, and wonderful. This mix of feelings made me go all-in into helping others and provide marketing services.

I worked as a consultant and fractional CMO for several agencies and startups and I understood exactly why some of them are growing while others… are not. I put all of these into the Growth System we use at Demand Hive today.

This is how we’re able to help you get clients, increase revenue, and drive sustainable growth.

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