Interesting fact about the B2B sales cycle length

Sergiu Bungardean
Sergiu Bungardean
Founder, Growth Advisor

The average B2B sales cycle length is 102 days.

This means you need months (or let’s say weeks for affordable services) to close a client.

(It’s crazy to think that some people expect a purchase to happen right away from a cold email)

I like to see this “sales cycle period” as a gap.

The problem is most companies I saw don’t have a strategy to fill this gap… so clients could choose them.

That’s how they end up in the classic situation where “marketing and sales aren’t working”.

That’s why it’s not working!

Every company should focus 10x more on filling that gap if they want to solve the issue.

A growth strategy is way more than just a random set of tactics.

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