Why 99% of the cold emails are skipped (and how to fix this)

Sergiu Bungardean
Sergiu Bungardean
Founder, Growth Advisor

1. No interest

People are just not interested into buying “right now”.

2. No personalization

“Hey, %first_name%” isn’t personalization, sorry.

Now… please think why you skipped the last cold emails you got.

Isn’t maybe 1 of these 2 reasons? Exactly.

And the big problem is that people skip those emails and they never remember who reached out.

So all the investment made by the sender, in terms of time and money, is wasted.

Why would someone waste their resources doing something that most probably they saw on their own is not working… I don’t know.

But better let’s see how these 2 problems can be solved:

1. No interest

Try to sell only to those people who have shown some interest.

This requires measuring their intent and seeing if they are “qualified” for a sales process or not.

If they don’t know you → connect and engage with them

If they know you → send them something useful

If they like it → send them more relevant content

If they consume everything → propose them a 1:1 chat

2. No personalisation

Write the sales outreach email manually and personalized.

This requires doing the step before right so you won’t write 1:1 emails to “unqualified” accounts.

Just think about it, wouldn’t you at least reply to a highly-personalised email?

And maybe even remember that company so you would consider them when you have a need?


This process isn’t about quantity, is about quality.

And if you ask me, that’s what you need.

I would better go strategic after 100 accounts than randomly after 10,000.

Because in the end, if you’re a B2B company, you don’t need 10,000 customers.

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