How to get 1-3 customers in the next 90 days

Sergiu Bungardean
Sergiu Bungardean
Founder, Growth Advisor

No bullsh*t intro, let’s dive straight into the plan:

1. The Dream 100 Audience

Invest a couple of days into solid research and create your Dream 100 Audience.

A Dream 100 Audience is a list of 100 ideal customers that you know your company can help, you already have some proof about this, and also ideally they are open to talk.

If you’re thinking how you can know if they are open to talk or not, let me give you an example:

Your ideal client is a company that recently got a funding round. Do some research and try to identify those kinds of companies (Google, LinkedIn, etc.).

I know this might be difficult in some cases, so if you can’t, don’t worry.

Just think about this for a second: 100 people that can get the most out of your services, and you already have proof it worked for others.

Why not try to talk to them?

2. First Interaction

Now, this step is crucial in making the strategy work or not. Because guess what, this is not a cold outreach approach and you shouldn’t try to sell anything.

What you should do instead is to create a 3-step email marketing drip campaign aimed to agitate the problem and create demand for your solution.

The first email should be about their primary urgent problem and how it can be fixed using your solution.

But as I said, no cold pitching! Send them a whitepaper or something similar they can go through.

That’s how you manage to create intent.

Ideally, here should be your process of solving the problem: “Look, this is a painful problem, this is how we fix it, though it might help you fix yours too.”.

(just an example to understand the concept, please don’t copy/paste this!)

Think about this approach too: you’re not trying to sell anything, you’re helping them. A 360° different first interaction vs. what the others do (just trying to sell).

3. Intent Identification

Don’t waste your time with people who aren’t interested in what you have to say and don’t chase them with 100 follow-up emails.

They are just not interested at this moment in what you sent them. And this is 100% normal, respect it.

But guess what? Even if they aren’t interested at the moment, but they will be in 2 months, thanks to your approach you might be the first option they consider.

So, look for people who have shown intent. Even if we talk about an email reply or people who downloaded/accessed your resource – they might be interested.

Then, invite them to a free 30-minute webinar you’re planning to host in a couple of weeks. Why a webinar instead of a 1:1 call?

Because again, they are not seeing this as a sales approach. Plus, you can basically build trust, authority, and interact in real-time with 5-10-20 people at once.

4. Proof of Working

No matter how many people joined the webinar, they have shown interest in the first place with the whitepaper.

Then, they basically told you “yes, this is something we’re really interested in” by joining the free webinar.

So, track the people who registered for the webinar and send them a case study about how your company fixed that painful issue for a similar company.

Don’t just brag about this. Show them what’s possible to achieve but also the exact process you went through (so they would know exactly what should be their implication).

Think about this as your chance for a “quick recap” to showcase your company, agitate the problem, and create demand for your solution.

5. Demand Capturing

They went through all the phases above, now guess what? They are no longer a cold audience, they are a warm audience.

And selling to a warm audience is 10 times easier than going blank with a sales pitch to a cold audience…

Give these people the possibility to book a free strategy call with your company to talk about their situation and give tailored advice.

If they reach this level, the chances of them saying “no, we don’t want this” are significantly lower.

And that’s exactly what you want. Because this means dream clients, shorter sales cycles, and higher conversion rates.

Basically the dream of every B2B company, right?

Now, this is the blueprint. You have the strategy, the concept, and every detail you need to make it work.

Of course, there are endless adjustments that can be made to this, but I wanted to help you understand the process.

For example, you can send the webinar recording to people who registered for it but didn’t attend before the case study.

Or don’t be surprised if people will move faster and they will ask for a 1:1 discussion after the first or the second step.

Remember: you can’t influence the way people are moving from one step to another, but you can influence the marketing touchpoints.

And those marketing touchpoints are the ones helping you create demand and make them show interest.

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