How to create sales enablement content (3 steps)

Sergiu Bungardean
Sergiu Bungardean
Founder, Growth Advisor

First, I’ll try to explain what exactly is sales enablement content and why you need it.

As a general term, sales enablement refers to the assets a salesperson/team needs to get and close more deals.

Besides content, there can be tools, processes, and so on.

A sales enablement content strategy is much needed because it improves the sales process and aligns marketing with sales.

There are several types of content you can create and use, but no matter the content, it’s important to follow these 3 steps:

1. Create content based on the customer journey

This is probably the no. 1 mistake I saw when it comes to the sales enablement content: people creating content randomly.

Every piece of content you produce has to be in a strong connection with your customer journey.

Because a prospect may not even be aware of the problem, but I saw companies pushing the “we are better than X content”.

Confusing, randomly, and with 0 impact.

2. Focus on the same concept and messaging strategy

Sales enablement content is too often in different variations because it’s written on the fly, based on the situation.

This problem is usually easily fixed with a strategic narrative – think about this like a “collection” of messages and stories.

It doesn’t have to always be exactly the same wording, but being focused on the same concept and messaging strategy is what makes people remember your brand.

This leads to clarity, familiarity, and being able to stay top of mind.

3. Write “easy-to-digest” content

Since the “ChatGPT era”, there has been a lot of content which seems identical: blog posts, whitepapers, social media posts, etc.

But besides that, ChatGPT usually likes to “be smart”, and write using fancy words, jargon, and fluffy stuff.

In reality, “basic content” with standard formatting – like you’re talking with a friend, is much more appreciated and effective.

Because it’s easier to digest, more natural, and seems personal.

You can’t imagine how powerful sales enablement content is just because it aligns marketing with sales.

And by doing that you fix easily one of the main blockers prospects don’t buy: the lack of clarity and personalization.

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