Content is not enough for social selling

Sergiu Bungardean
Sergiu Bungardean
Founder of Demand Hive

In 2021, social selling seemed to be a buzzword, and very few paid attention to it.

Today, everyone wants to do it, but most of them are doing it wrong.

That’s because people make social selling only about content and forget everything else.

And I think this is happening because of 2 reasons:

1. It’s not something that can be automated with 2 clicks and it requires some effort and time to get traction.

2. Ghostwriters, freelancers, and agencies are over-promoting the “Leads in Your Inbox” stuff, making it seem effortless.

In one way or another, these things are “diluting” the true potential of social selling.

Most of our clients at Demand Hive sign new clients monthly from social selling activities, but content is just a fraction of the process.

I’ll share with you a real example of a “flow” that helped one client of us sign a new deal from LinkedIn:

The first interaction happened thanks to the content they distributed recently:

– Weekly posts on LinkedIn
– 1 comprehensive guide

This content managed to get the attention of potential customers (the weekly posts) and turn that attention into interest (the comprehensive guide).

But you see, the interest created wasn’t turned right away into a DM or a call booked – as the majority think.

It turned only into a “basic comment”: “I just read your guide about X and it’s mindblowing!”.

You can choose to see this comment as a “basic comment” as I named it, or as an intent signal.

I advised my client to consider it as an intent signal and start a conversation about the guide. In the end, there were only 2 options:

1. That person liked the guide and had a need, so maybe they can sign a new client.

2. That person liked the guide and didn’t have a need, but they can get valuable feedback.

It turned out the need was there and in the next couple of days the client was signed.

This happened fast, exactly as most people (and probably you too) want.

That’s because the prospect felt “the right person at the right moment” feeling. But the right moment wasn’t by accident, it was created.

It was created because the social selling strategy was built around how people buy and my client understood content is just a part of it.

So please, if you want to make social selling work for your business, think beyond content.

Because content is not enough for social selling.

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