Why your business needs a funnel and how to build one

Sergiu Bungardean
Sergiu Bungardean
Founder of Demand Hive

The funnel is dead.

SEO is dead.

Email is dead.

I think I heard these over and over only this year.

Yet, there are businesses driving millions in revenue from SEO and email using a funnel.

Strange, huh?

Well… let me tell you why they are “dead”:

– Funnel is dead because you no longer force people do what you want

– SEO is dead because you no longer put 30 random keywords on a page

– Email is dead because you no longer spam 10,000 people and make a sale

Yep… this is why they are considered dead.

They are not “fast”, “scalable”, and “you can’t control them”.

But trust me, they are exactly as they should be.

This article is about the funnel, so let’s better focus on that.

Your business needs a funnel because it’s aligned exactly with the way people are buying.

Or at least… it should be.

The difference between a “broken funnel” and a working one is exactly this:

The first one doesn’t care about people, while the second one is 100% about them.

So… how do you build a funnel that works and it’s aligned with the way people are buying?

First thing first, you have to understand the concept behind a buyer journey.

And the best way of doing this is to think about the way you are buying.

Because you’re someone who:

1. Don’t know about a problem
2. But will realize at some point
3. Then will try to understand more
4. Later will look for ways to solve it
5. And in the end will pay for solving

If you’re doing this before actually becoming a client, why wouldn’t others do the same?

Now that we clarified what you’re doing, think about how you’re doing it too.

Are you responding to “forces” that tell you to go from one step to another?

Are you buying without knowing anything about that solution?

Most probably… no.

The way you buy should be reflected in the way you build your funnel too.

You don’t have to force people to move from one stage to another or try to be in control.

What you have to do is to give them freedom and accept they are just buying… exactly as you do.

When you understand this, you will start to focus on the 1 and only thing that makes your funnel work and you should control:

The way they are interacting with your brand at each stage, no matter if they are “cold” or “hot.

You will focus on “serving” them what they need, at the right time – and that’s exactly what they want.

You don’t want to be forced, they don’t want that too.

You need a funnel like this because it makes your business feel like “this is the company I want to work with”.

And trust me, that’s the way to measure success.

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