Every B2B company should have this North Star Metric

Sergiu Bungardean
Sergiu Bungardean
Founder, Growth Advisor

By definition, a North Star Metric is:

“A metric that a company uses as a focus for their growth. This number best reflects the amount of value that your company brings to your customers.”

LinkedIn has their NSM Monthly Active Users, Slack Daily Active Users, and WhatsApp Number of Messages Sent.

Your business should have something related to your activity, but no matter what’s that, it should have this NSM too:

I’m talking about NPCC – Number of Pieces of Content Consumed.

That’s because besides the actual work with clients, the way your company can deliver value to potential customers is through content.

This content gives you the possibility to create, capture, and convert demand.

Since a Buyer Journey is non-linear, which means potential customers don’t follow a “fixed journey”, having a North Star Metric as the Number of Pieces of Content Consumed makes more sense than ever.

Basically, you will align your growth activities with the ways people are buying and you will build trust and authority with each touch point you create.

This allows you to stay top of mind and be chosen by potential customers when they enter the “buying mode” without competing with others.

You are the one who gave value and created demand. You’ll be the one who will capture it.

If you’re not doing that?

Well… this might happen:

Because when the “trust factor” is missing, in the eyes of a potential customer, you’re the same as your competitors.

Everyone is saying how good they are, what amazing results they achieved, and so on.

But just a few actually show it and give value to the potential customers so they can collect it later.

That’s why your business should have the Number of Pieces of Content Consumed as a North Star Metric.

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