3 lessons I learned after building 100+ landing pages

Sergiu Bungardean
Sergiu Bungardean
Founder of Demand Hive

I built 100+ landing pages in the last 14 years. They generated millions in revenue.

Today, I’m telling you 3 crucial lessons I learned:

Lesson 1: You don’t have to reinvent the wheel

Probably designers will argue with me on this, but…

The best landing pages I built and saw were simple:

ⓧ No fancy hero
ⓧ No fancy navbar
ⓧ No fancy scroll effects

Great design ≠ fancy stuff.

(i) Don’t overcomplicate your landing page.

Lesson 2: You don’t have to act smart

Maybe you’ll think it’s an obvious advice, but…

>80% of the landing pages I see monthly are smart:

ⓧ Forget about “AI”
ⓧ Forget about “Ignite”
ⓧ Forget about “Reinvented”

Impressing users ≠ acting smart.

(i) Use simple words and focus on people.

Lesson 3: You don’t have to convince anyone

This seems crazy advice, but…

Whenever I tried to convince I killed my landing page:

ⓧ You’ll want to say something more
ⓧ You’ll want to add another section
ⓧ You’ll want to add a 1-hour video

Convincing people ≠ more content.

(i) Share the key things and don’t over-try.

There’s a thin line between a good and a bad landing page.

And it’s often very easy to make one of these mistakes.

So pay more attention when you improve/build yours.

It will make a huge difference in getting leads.

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