How to get more leads and close more deals with ease

Sergiu Bungardean
Sergiu Bungardean
Founder, Growth Advisor

Almost every founder I ever talked with believed “the leads and clients’ problem” come from tactical execution.

They always asked me things like:

“What channel should I try? We did X, Y, Z, and it didn’t work”.

This is a common scenario, so if you think you are alone – no, you’re not.

And guess what?

In A LOT of cases, the channel isn’t the problem. I mean, let’s face it:

Do businesses get clients using SEO? → Yes, they do.

Do businesses get clients using email? → Yes, they do.

Do businesses get clients using outreach? → Yes, they do.

Almost every channel works in one way or another. And with all the information available online it’s difficult to screw the setup.

What do all these channels (and any other) have in common?

They are used for distribution.

They distribute the message you convey to your audience.

Assuming the audience is right (don’t skip this step) there’s 1 thing left:

The message.

But when I say “the message” I don’t refer to words, copywriting, etc. That’s important, but even a pro copywriter won’t fix a bad offer.

Exactly – an offer.

You create a message and use a distribution channel to communicate an offer.

And a big problem with offers is that they are broad, vague, and don’t trigger potential clients.

I like to say the job of an offer is to make a prospect feel like the next logical step is to take the desired action – like booking a call.

For this to happen, the offer has to trigger them deeply.

This requires “seeing how they see the problem” and understanding what’s important to them.

I’ll give you a stupid simple example that will clarify everything:

You have a terrible headache.

What do you want?

To go to a hospital, do some medical tests, and see why is that happening?


You want a f*cking headache pill. To forget about the pain.

Should you visit a doctor after to see why that happens and solve the cause?

Of course.

But you don’t want to do that when you have a headache.

This is the “sell a painkiller, not a vitamin” example in real life.

Guess how many people are trying to sell something their potential clients don’t want?


Can that specific thing help them and solve their “headache problem”?

Yes, of course.

Do they want it?


This is how you can get more leads and close more deals with ease.

Put in your potential client’s shoes and see what their headache is. Then sell them the pill.

Because that’s what they want and are willing to pay for.

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