If you don’t understand this, your marketing may suck…

Sergiu Bungardean
Sergiu Bungardean
Founder, Growth Advisor

A B2B purchasing flow is NOT:

– Josh is seeing a display ad
– He clicks it and lands on an LP
– He books a call and buys the next day

Still, most B2B companies are doing marketing like this is the flow…

A lot of money on paid media, so they can get a lot of traffic, and hopefully those users are qualified and they will buy.

Sorry, but it’s not working…

Here’s what a REAL B2B purchasing flow looks like:


+ Josh is casually scrolling on LinkedIn
+ He notice his colleague commented on a post
+ The post was good so he decides to follow the creator

↳ The creator is the CMO of a cold email SaaS (Mike)


+ Josh starts to engage with his content
+ He decides to explore more about cold outreach
+ He finds a recorded webinar on YouTube and listens to it

↳ He realize the webinar host was Mike, the guy from LinkedIn


+ Josh visits LinkedIn and check Mike’s profile
+ He likes their achievements so he goes to their website
+ Josh decides to book a call and learn more about their app

↳ Josh is happy, talk with his CEO, and they pay for the app

Now, all these things happen in days, weeks, or months.

And there can be another 1,000 things I didn’t mention.

If you don’t understand how people are buying…

Then your lead generation process might be broken.


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