Is a marketing strategy enough?

Sergiu Bungardean
Sergiu Bungardean
Founder, Growth Advisor

A marketing strategy is much needed, no matter what type of business we talk about.

But is it enough?

Is it everything a business needs to grow?

Well… no, not really.

And I have to admit I realized it better after I saw the same pattern over and over again.

“My job” implies interacting with several B2B founders and marketers every month.

What I discovered after years of doing the same thing was companies that had a pretty decent marketing strategy, but they were still struggling somehow.

WTF?! How? Why?

To answer these “questions”, let’s talk about the real goal of marketing: In essence, any marketing strategy should create and capture demand.

In a more “tactic-oriented language”, this could mean: creating content around specific problems, promoting different offers to the target market, and so on.

Just by looking at these 2 examples, we can already see why a marketing strategy is not enough.

“Promoting different offers to the target market”.

What if marketing did his best job with the promotion part but the offer is bad?

Will people convert? Will the company grow?

No… it won’t happen – even if there was a 5-star marketing strategy and execution.

Assuming the demand was somehow created and captured, how will it be converted?

Through sales activities – which are not marketing, but contribute a lot to the overall growth.

So is a marketing strategy enough?

Hell no! It’s much needed, but it’s never enough.

The only “enough strategy” for your business is the Growth Strategy.

Which sits at the intersection of Business Strategy, Sales Strategy, and Strategic Marketing.

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