Is the founder responsible for the growth of its own company?

Sergiu Bungardean
Sergiu Bungardean
Founder, Growth Advisor

This question isn’t a random one.

It’s a situation I saw over the years in different aspects, but with the same end goal:

Growth wasn’t happening because it wasn’t clear who should be responsible for what.

Some founders told me “I should take responsibility”, while others said “I pay marketing money for this”.

It doesn’t really matter in what category you fit, because both situations are wrong.

Even if those saying “I should take responsibility” are closer to the ideal scenario.

You see, the thing is that growth isn’t something that should be pointed to a person, team, or department.

That’s because…

The growth of a company implies several aspects: business strategy, positioning, marketing, offers, sales, etc.

So if growth happens thanks to a sum of factors, how it can be pointed to someone?

If I just opened the Pandora Box, that’s why companies fire agencies, freelancers, or employees.

– They consider growth to be the responsibility of {X}
– {X} can t influence growth because there are other things
– {X} gets fired and the company still doesn’t manage to grow

So… what’s the founder’s responsibility then?

The founder’s responsibility is to understand growth happens thanks to a sum of factors and act accordingly.

Everyone involved in the business is responsible for growth in one way or another.

And if your growth strategy isn’t built like that… that’s a red flag for your business growth.

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