Why marketing isn’t about leads and sales isn’t about deals

Sergiu Bungardean
Sergiu Bungardean
Founder, Growth Advisor

It’s so easy to get caught up in the numbers game…

Marketing teams are often laser-focused on generating leads, while sales teams chase after deals to meet their targets.

But what if I told you that this doesn’t necessarily mean success?

Sure, marketing can bring in a ton of leads. The lead generation metrics may look impressive, and the KPIs may be met.

But here’s the catch… not all leads are created equal.

If marketing’s sole focus is on the quantity of leads, it can lead to a flood of unqualified prospects.

These leads might not have a genuine interest in your offer or might not be the right fit for your solution.

Are 100 leads good in this case? I don’t think so…

Based on the same mentality, the sales team’s fixation on closing deals, no matter what, can also be problematic.

Closing deals is important, no doubt. But if the focus is solely on numbers, revenue, and hitting targets, it can come at a cost.

Salespeople might prioritize short-term gains over long-term customer relationships.

The result? Missed opportunities for upselling, cross-selling, and nurturing loyal clients.

The “secret” lies in finding a solution that unites marketing and sales, aligning them with a common goal: higher revenues and customer lifetime value.

When marketing brings in qualified leads, and sales nurtures those leads into loyal customers, that’s when the magic happens.

Now you can say hello to Revenue Operations (RevOps). In the RevOps world, quality is the driving force behind both marketing and sales efforts.

Marketing success isn’t measured by the quantity of leads but by the quality of leads generated. Sales aims for not just closing deals but building lasting customer relationships.

It ensures that the entire process, from lead generation to closing deals to post-sales support, is seamless and customer-centric. It’s about optimizing every touchpoint to maximize customer lifetime value.

So… the next time you evaluate your marketing and sales strategies, remember this: It’s not just about leads, and it’s not just about deals.

It’s about Revenue Operations – marketing and sales working together with a common purpose.

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