The most simple customer acquisition plan

Sergiu Bungardean
Sergiu Bungardean
Founder, Growth Advisor

Too many “experts” makes customer acquisition and growth as a whole seem almost impossible to achieve.

I don’t know why… but that’s not true.

Well, maybe they make it complicated to make you feel they are the only ones with the solution?


In reality, customer acquisition can be much simpler than it’s presented, but the truth is sometimes doing simple things is not that easy.

So this being said, I tried to craft a customer acquisition plan in the most simplified way possible.

Something you can use for your business and achieve those “impossible things”.

Now… assuming you already build your Foundation* (please don’t skip this), here’s the growth model you can use:

(*Foundation = Business Context, Client Research, Tier-Based Segmentation, Competitive Analysis, Offering, Positioning)

Probably you heard about Marketing-Led Growth, Sales-Led Growth, Founder-Led Growth, and so on.

I saw “battles” over and over on these growth models:

– Which one is better?
– Sales before marketing?
– Go all-in with founder-led?

And so on.

From my point of view, the perfect growth model is a combination of all of them.

Sales without marketing… seems pushy. Marketing without sales… will not bring results.


I called it the FSM-Led Growth, which means:

1. F – Founder-Led Growth:

Personal brand, events, and strategic partnerships.

These 3 executed well are pretty enough to get visibility, build trust, and create customers for your business.

And it’s too often something very neglected.

2. S – Sales-Led Growth:

Dream 100 strategy and personalized outreach.

With these 2 you are able to create, capture, and convert intent using sales activities.

You just need some good writing skills which involves ChatGPT as little as possible.

3. M – Marketing-Led Growth:

Marketing is about content at scale: articles, newsletters, SEO, webinars, etc.

By being “obsessed” with content you manage to do what 99% don’t:

Targeting the 95% of the market who aren’t ready to buy.

And this is your plan… in the most simplified way.

Funnels, AI, and whatever else can wait…

You’ll never manage to create a steady flow of customers if you don’t align your activities with the way people are buying.

And if you want to do that, you have to focus on the “basics” first.

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