What is the most effective method for outreach in B2B?

Sergiu Bungardean
Sergiu Bungardean
Founder, Growth Advisor

Every day I get at least 5 cold emails from founders and salespeople trying to sell me something for Demand Hive.

Luckily, 2-3 of them end up in spam and I see them only after a couple of weeks when I check the spam folder too.

The ones that I saw daily… are bad.

I mean, I never bought anything directly from a cold email in 10+ years of building several startups and having several needs.

The reason wasn’t that I didn’t need a particular service, but I couldn’t give my money to someone “I just met”.

Someone who doesn’t tell me anything useful.

They brag with some social proof and promise me the impossible “if I have a moment next week”.

See what I did here?

I didn’t blame the method itself, because outreach can be extraordinary for B2B.

I blame the “classic way” of doing it: quantity instead of quality, no personalization, “spray and pray”.

At Demand Hive we use 1 growth model for outreach called Strategic Outbound which includes 3 tactics:

1. Dream 100 Strategy
2. Personalized Outreach
3. Soft Outreach

Our focus is on the entire growth model, not just a tactic because that’s how we get the maximum results.

But… since today’s topic is about the most effective method, I’ll call it:

The Dream 100 Strategy.

If I would have to pick only 1 method for outreach when it comes to B2B that would be Dream 100 without any doubt.

It’s a strategy that “flips” the classic way: quality instead of quantity, hyper-personalization, clear input → clear output.

Here’s how to implement The Dream 100 Strategy in your business:

1. Build your foundation

(Be aware that this step can make or break the success of your Dream 100 Strategy, so don’t do it superficially)

Create a list with your dream 100 clients, companies you know you can help and want to work with.

The list should contain Accounts – persons working at those companies (for bigger businesses there can be multiple persons from the same company).

Try to get at least their Name, Email, Company Website, and LinkedIn profile, so you can always learn more about them when it’s needed.

2. Create your OBM Framework

OBM stands for Opportunity-Based Marketing.

You should use this framework to map the journey steps, audience, objective, KPIs, and tactics.

Here’s an example:

3. Set up a CRM

Use a CRM like PipeDrive or Folk to monitor each account from your dream 100 list. Simply sign up for one if you don’t already use something and import all the accounts.

A spreadsheet or Excel might work too, but it will be harder to maintain.

4. Create a scoring system

Connect the CRM with your email and create a “semi-automated” scoring system.

Semi-automated means:

– You get data automatically from email interactions
– You add data manually from other interactions (eg: visit your LI profile)

This gives you the possibility to measure the intent with each interaction.

5. Start executing the strategy quarterly-based

Set a timeline of 90 days to execute the campaign.

The “secret” and the success of the Dream 100 Strategy will come from the way you interact with the accounts.

More interactions with an account → more personalized the communication will be.

Simply because if there are interactions they are basically just saying “We might be interested”.

The goal is to serve people with useful content, notice where there is intent, and initiate a 1:1 sales process only with people willing to have a chat.

This is the most effective method for outreach in B2B I used and had results with.

Executed properly, it should get you new clients regularly each quarter.

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