What is the most effective way to generate leads

Sergiu Bungardean
Sergiu Bungardean
Founder, Growth Advisor

I planned to write another issue for today, but yesterday I changed my mind.

The reason?

I had a call with a B2B founder I met on LinkedIn about marketing, growth, entrepreneurship, and so on.

At one moment, he asked me: “What is the most effective way to generate leads?” – at least in my case.

I explained to him how I see this “effectiveness” and after the call, I realized it wasn’t the first time someone asked me something similar.

So that’s how we’re here.

If you ask yourself, no, I didn’t name the most effective way to generate leads.

And the reason is pretty simple:

I don’t have one.

I don’t have one because it shouldn’t exist one.

If I were going to ask you what is the most important part of a car, what would you say?

The engine?


We take all the other pieces apart.

Will you be able to drive the car? Will the car “be able to do its job”?

I don’t think so.

So such a thing as “most important”, “most effective”, or “most whatever” doesn’t exist.

Because in the end that specific thing will not work properly if there’s a missing piece.

The same thing happens when it comes to lead generation.

The most effective way to generate leads for your business is to understand how your potential clients buy and build a system tailored to them.

It’s that simple (simple, not easy).

I got a lot of clients from email → my personal brand played an important role.

I got a lot of clients from outbound → my content played an important role.

So if you want leads or clients don’t chase a very specific way of getting them.

Because you won’t.

Think about it this way:

A 1,000-horsepower engine won’t be able to start without the other necessary parts.

Make sure you have them too.

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