What makes a perfect landing page? (with example)

Sergiu Bungardean
Sergiu Bungardean
Founder, Growth Advisor

In the last 10 years I built hundreds of landing pages that generated millions. But I made a lot of mistakes too.

I won’t insist too much on this part, but I’ll share a few lessons that are related to today’s issue:

Lesson #1: You don’t have to reinvent the wheel

The best landing pages I built and saw were simple – no fancy hero, navbar, or scrolling effects.

Don’t overcomplicate your landing page more than it should be.

Lesson #2: You don’t have to act smart

Each month I visit a lot of landing pages and more than 80% are smart – “We ignite {something}”, “AI {whatever}, etc.

Always use simple words and focus on people.

Lesson #3: You don’t have to convince anyone

Whenever you want to convince someone you kill your landing page – extra text, extra sections, extra {whatever}.

Focus on the key things that matter and don’t over-try.

Enough theory, let’s get practical.

In my opinion, the perfect landing page (in B2B) should:

1 → State a challenge/problem/need
2 → Agitate the problem (or the situation)
3 → Propose a solution (outcome-first)
4 → Make an offer (no-brainer, if possible)

That’s it.

All the other sections (social proof, faq, etc) should support these 4 crucial elements.

Let’s break this down:

1. State a challenge/problem/need

A challenge/problem/need = ONE.

Ideally you should have 1 challenge, problem, or need you want to talk about.

(that’s why a good client profile is needed)

And since this is like a “trigger” for potential clients, you should use it as soon as possible.

Here’s what this section looks like on the Demand Hive website:

I talk to “1 person” who gets clients from referrals and maybe some other activities like content or cold outreach, but they are not happy with the growth.

That’s it.

(I ended up here after a lot of iterations and calls with potential clients who said exactly that – “We’re doing X, Y, Z, but we’re not happy”)

2. Agitate the problem

Some people skip this step because they are like “They already saw the main message”.

Yes, they saw it (or not), but finding a way to highlight the same message from a different angle (you can use design here) will always help.

This is how I did it for Demand Hive:

I “reminded them” that referrals are not predictable and they might be on a plateau in terms of growth.

And this is how these 2 sections look together:

3. Propose a solution

Using the 2 sections from above you can make someone say “Ok, you got me, now show what you’re up to”.

The main issue here is that I saw a lot of landing pages talking about how but not about the WHY.

Because in the end, a potential client will become a client because of the WHY.

Why should they go with your solution?

Because {Desired Outcome(s)}.

Mix this with the HOW so they can understand why they should go with your solution, but also have an overview of what you’re doing.

Here’s the “solution section” of Demand Hive:

I started with the WHY and continued with the HOW.

4. Make an offer

When someone reaches this point they are already “hooked” by the first sections.

So after a potential client goes through the problem, its bad things, why they should go with you and how you’re helping them, they are in the best moment for an offer.

A “book a call section” is simply too vague at this stage.

Ideally, you should have a dedicated section for the offer only (to explain your offer – no-brainer, if possible).

This is the offer section from the Demand Hive’s website:

2 “tactics” I incorporated here:

– Weekly payments to make the initial commitment easier
– FOMO (I limit the number of slots for the Growth System per quarter)

And this is it.

As a quick recap:

1. For those who get clients from referrals and maybe some other activities like content or cold outreach but feel like the growth is slow (The Challenge).

2. And realize referrals are not a predictable source of clients and they might be on a plateau (The Agitation Moment).

3. We have a proprietary framework we build for them to help get clients, increase revenue, and drive sustainable growth (The Solution – Outcome-Focused).

4. We’re doing it in just 6 weeks for €299/week if we have slots available (The Offer).

This is Demand Hive’s landing page. Straight to the point, without useless information.

If someone’s in that situation and wants to fix it, they’ll reach out.

Simple as that.

Hope it helps and you’ll build the perfect landing page.

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