Do you know Where to Play and How to Win?

Sergiu Bungardean
Sergiu Bungardean
Founder, Growth Advisor

If yes… congrats! You’re ahead of many B2B founders.

If not… it’s time to focus on that as soon as possible.

Here’s why:

1. Where to Play:


What is the target market and what are the customer segments you will pursue?

Knowing Where to Play is more important than playing the game itself.

If you’re playing tennis on the water, I’m not sure it will be fun.

Most businesses I interacted with were very good at their game, but they didn’t know where to play it to win.

2. How to Win:


What’s your strategy to reach the target market and convince them to choose you?

When you don’t know How to Win, you’re just playing the game over and over again hoping for a different result.

Most businesses I interacted with played the game for so long, that they got tired, and never won… because they never thought how.

You see…

Thing is when you’re playing a board game with your friends and don’t know these things, it’s fun.

But when you’re playing with your own business… it’s not.

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