The wrong KPIs for B2B companies

Sergiu Bungardean
Sergiu Bungardean
Founder, Growth Advisor

I saw B2B companies struggling as hell just because they set the wrong KPIs.

If their goal is to get 30 leads per quarter from marketing activities and they did that, is it a win?

Well… it depends. Because it doesn’t matter if they got 30 leads that translated into 1 new customer and $500 in revenue.

I gave this exaggerated example just for you to notice it. But it shouldn’t be this dramatic to slow your growth.

What you should take from here is that “isolated KPIs” doesn’t matter. Growth means higher revenues and higher profitability.

Make sure all your marketing and sales activities are aligned toward a 1 common and relevant goal.

Hint: that’s not leads.

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